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Gluefactory Tonight!
Tonight is the opening of Rocking Horse Rehearsal Rooms 1st club night ‘Gluefactory’ at The Fish Tank in Durham. We have live music from Club Of Rome (who smashed Clive Aid earlier this month) and The Girl From Winter Jargon. We’re getting a lot of positive feedback from a few who have seen Winter Jargon and from those who have had a listen since we posted the link. We think that they’re both great and are looking forward to them opening proceedings for us, taking us through till about 11pm. Then we’ll have Rocking Horse dj’s playing late into the night.
Doors open at 8pm (bands on somewhere between 8-11) and tonight its FREE ENTRY! We will be bringing our 1600w PA along as well. Hope to see you all there. Its going to be a good one!